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Price: $375 per child per week

Time: Mon - Fri, 9 AM  - 5 PM



Multiple Weeks in July 2025


Sign up soon!   Spaces are filling up quickly!   Call us for more details!


MAPS reserves the right to cancel if minimum enrollment is not met. 

Each Day is a New Adventure!



MAPS Paleontology Summer Camp Program


Paleontology Day will focus on dinosaur bones and plant fossils that would have existed during the Cretaceous and Jurassic periods. These plants can be compared to plants in the paleo garden (ancient plants that still exist today). Ice Age mammal bones and teeth such as those from mammoths and mastodons will also be highlighted.


An outside dinosaur dig has been established under tents to allow campers time to dig and locate fossils and stationary plates below the soil. Proper excavating techniques will be taught, including platforming bones, use of Vinac to stabilize fossils, and jacketing bones with plaster to allow proper transport of bones to the museum.


Lab exercises consist of two things: a) Preparing dinosaurs in a lab setting, which involves the demonstration of cleaning bones with an air scribe and then baking soda Swam blaster. b) Exercise using a life-size dinosaur dissection model allowing students to learn about the bones and organs present in the dinosaur.


All this and more in a week-long experience like none other. Campers will know exactly what life as a paleontologist is like, taught by a real paleontologist (and his assistants), using real museum collections!



MAPS Archaeology Summer Camp Program


Archaeology Day will focus on how objects were made and used, and what plants were eaten by ancient cultures. These plants can be compared to plants in the cultural garden (ancient plants that still exist today). An outside archaeology dig has been established under tents to allow campers time to dig and locate loose artifacts as well as dig to stationary plates below the soil. Proper excavating techniques will be taught including establishing grids, sketching/photographing objects in situ, and removing cultural objects for transport to the museum.


Lab exercises consist of one of two things: a) Preparing artifacts in a lab setting which involves repairing broken objects and cleaning ancient coins in an electrolytic tank. b) Exercise using a replica human skeleton and other remains to determine race, age, and gender.


All this and more in a week-long experience like none other. Campers will know exactly what life as an archaeologist is like, taught by a real archaeologist (and his assistants), using real museum collections!



MAPS Marine Archaeology Summer Camp Program


Marine Archaeology Day will focus on how objects were made and used on board a ship, navigating a ship then and now, and conflict on the high seas. The life of a pirate will be discussed including what they ate and how they passed the time. SCUBA will also be highlighted.


An outside marine archaeology dig has been established under tents to allow campers time to dig and locate loose artifacts as well as dig to stationary plate(s) below the soil. Proper excavating techniques will be taught including establishing grids, sketching/photographing objects in situ and removing cultural objects for transport to the museum.


Lab exercises consist of one of two things: a) Preparing artifacts in a lab setting which involves repairing broken objects and cleaning ancient coins in an electrolytic tank. b) Exercise using metal detectors and other equipment to locate artifacts.


All this and more in a week-long experience like none other. Campers will know exactly what life as a marine archaeologist is like, taught by a real marine archaeologist (and his assistants), using real museum collections!


Day 4: Space, Science & Technology

MAPS Space, Science & Technology Summer Camp Program


Space, Science & Technology Camp will focus on learning about inventors like Edison, Tesla, Da Vinci, the Wright Brothers and more! Campers will experience life as a NASA astronaut, NASA engineer and NASA mission control with a wide array of exercises and experiences. Campers will see the new MAPS Moon Mobile and the new Moon Tree flown around the world in the Artemis I mission. Assist MAPS staff in launching a rocket that you helped design, build and decorate!


All this and more in a week-long experience like none other. Campers will know exactly what life as a scientist is like, taught by a real scientist (and his assistants), using real museum collections!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Day 5: Geology

MAPS Geology Summer Camp Program

Geology Camp will focus on the everyday use of rocks and minerals. An outside water slough will be used to sift for rocks and minerals that campers can keep! Campers will learn how to scientifically identify rocks and minerals using color, hardness, shape and other properties inherent in these geological treasures. Make your own minerals and watch them grow! Campers will also see real, glowing, fluorescent minerals.


All this and more in a week-long experience like none other. Campers will know exactly what life as a geologist is like, taught by a real geologist (and his assistants), using real museum collections!

© 2025  MAPS  All Rights Reserved. 7650 Orchid Lake Rd. New Port Richey, FL 34653  (727) 859-3152

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Bradley King

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